Thursday, February 26, 2009

NORA ROBERTS the most prolific romance author of all time!

For the past few days, I've tried to slog my way through the Circle of 7 trilogy. That's it. I've had it. I give up. I just have better things to do with my time! This is too bad because I've read nearly all the older stuff that Roberts has on the market and loved most of it. She should give up the paranormal stuff...her style of writing just doesn't lend itself to the paranormal.
Here's the gist: back in the 1600s a demon and guardian duked it out. They ended up in a centuries-long tie. In the meantime, the guardian had 'gifted' his descendants with special powers while the demon had impregnated a local girl, so that his line would continue. Present day: 3 descendants of both get together to fight and overcome the demon for all time.


That's what I feel this book is about.
"Oh no! I imagined I saw a snarly old dog! It looked at me!"
"Is it imagined or is it real?" This said by the manly man. "Shoot it/stab it/grind it with your heel to see."

"Let's go here to talk and rehash events and our deepest secrets. But don't touch me because I'm not yet sure if I want you now...although, I am sure that I'm attracted to you. " Says one of the females (pick one...they all say it)

"Let's move from here and go to here to talk and rehash events and how to deal with the deepest darkest secrets...I do so enjoy baring my soul and I always talk ad nauseum about how I feel." Says the manly man (again...pick one...they all say it)

And I didn't even get to Gage's book, which at least will have a back story of a guy who had some real hardship.

Yadda, yadda...all they do is talk and move from one venue to another. I hate books where I just feel like the characters move from one place to another and yak the whole time!

Nora Roberts is like...the most prolific romance author of our time with over 300 novels in print. She was the 1st author inducted into the Romance Writer hall of fame. She writes the wildly popular J.D. Robb ...In Death Eve Dallas mystery series. Surely she can do better than this!

The books I liked the most: Any of the older free standing novels put out by Jove in the 90s: True Lies, Public Secrets, Brazen Virtue, Sacred Sins, Hot Ice (I loved that one the most!) Honest Illusions... any of those. Some of her series that I loved: The O'Hurleys, Dream, Born, the MacGregors. Pick any one of those books and I've probably read it more than 5 times! I just loved Without a Trace (the last O'Hurley novel) Now there's a man! Able to leap tall buildings, faster than speeding bullets, sexy and able to whip up a music composition and make women weep with his ability to play the flute! I want him!

Books I haven't been able to slog my way through: The Garden trilogy, the Irish trilogy, The Pride of Shane Mackade. Interesting factoid about the Shane's one of the 4 Mackade series put out by Silhouette. All have Nora Robert's name in large letters above the title. (No mistaking that, eh?) I enjoyed the first 3....Rafe, Devin, Jared...but had a tough time getting to the end of Shane. Flipping through to the publication page to check on copyright date, I noticed it's not copyright by Nora Roberts! What's up with that, huh? Did she know it was so bad that she copyright it in a different name? One of her pseudonyms: Sarah Hardesty or Jill March? Or did someone ghost it because she was too busy to write it? Someone without Nora's talent? Well...actually, I don't have a copy of the book here to check on the name but at that time I though it was a little underhanded. Maybe Silhouette reasoned that Nora thought up the concept so took a novel by a different author and slipped it in there with Nora's name on it. For whatever reason, the novel just didn't have the same flavor as the other 3.

Just thought of another series that I loved: the Night series. For some reason, I always think of this series when I think of the J.D. Robb books. I believe it to be the genesis of the Death series. The family name is O'Rourke! What other clue does one need?! Night Shadow is wonderful and just a toe into the paranormal side. many people have already scarfed up a new copy of Promises in Death? It was released Tuesday.....the continuing adventures of Eve Dallas, her husband Roarke and her sidekick Peabody....


  1. Um.... Lynne? I don't thnk I've ever read one Nora Roberts book. Possibly one, about a hundred years ago, when I was single and childless and had a life and free time.

  2. Joanie, that's so weird....she's so popular. ;)
    btw, you are fast! Did you check out that peeps research page? The first time I read it I was laughing so hard tears were streaming down my face.

  3. No, but I just went over and looked at it. LMAO!! Oh that is too funny!!! When I was writing the blog about the Peeps, I kept thinking of all of us and how funny our message boards were! I miss those carefree, SAHM days!

  4. Hey, I was just checking here to see if any more replies appeared and I just noticed something for the first time and it shows WHY I've enver read Nora Roberts. She writes ROMANCE novels! I really really really dislike romance novels. Danielle Steele cured me of that 25+ years ago.

  5. I've read 1.5 Danielle Steele books...they are very, very bad!!! She writes for an audience of non-readers. By that I mean those people who read 3 bed...just before they fall asleep. Those people who take half a year or more to finish a book. She repeats herself ad nauseum. If you take all the repetition out of the books, they would be 25 pages long. With 18 font. lol.
    I can't think why she's popular except that readers only represent about 23% of the population so that leaves 77%.

  6. OK Lynne, I like Danielle Steele!! I am a reader, and I am not dumb!! I just finished a series of 3 Nora Roberts books that I LOVED, newly released, that had to do with Vampires. I think one of them was called Dance of the Gods.

  7. does anyone know of a romance writer with the last name of childs?
